Wednesday, 7 December 2011

I must eat Bananas

nom nom nom ( got it from here)
I'm on the weird side of my thoughts again. So be prepared...

For the past few days I couldn't do my business and so my mom suggested to eat bananas. I have nothing against bananas personally, I actually like them. But just the thought of eating bananas so I can create piles is just... (racks brain for a suitable description) ehhhh. Yeah. You know not nice, it's just just like trying to learn to ride a bike but you constantly fail at it. So I'm just waiting to do. my business.

I don't really think it's working either. I have eaten 2 1/2 bananas (my sis ate the other half) and still it's not coming out. Who decided bananas make these things come out anyways? I know they are healthy and I think they are delicious by itself (awkwardly enough though I'm not really a banana split fan).  But if you eat too much bananas you'll start feeling like your grandparents, who barely has any teeth. You can just hear the slush of their teethless mouths sinking their gums into a soft banana ... nom nom nom

Also, lately my mind's been quite. I've got barely anything to think about. I don't know whether it's the weather that's turning my head into a snowball or just me, who's lazy enough not to think straight. (Scratches head) And I'm bored. I've got nothing good to read. Can anyone suggests me anything?

Ni sa

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