Thursday, 5 April 2012

First Week of April

Yay! It's Thursday, just ONE more day till the weekend! But that doesn't matter now, for me this week anyways... I've got 2 days holidays after just three days of school. Those first 3 days were odd. I felt uncomfortable in my class, it's as if I'm changing skin and I'm just getting use to it. There's a sense of familiarity to the class though, like my old classmates and my friends. The teachers give us lectures and so far we haven't taken any notes like we did last year. At home I'm continuously studying, this year there's more of self studying. Putting that aside what I really love about being in class 8 is this leadership programme that we've got to do. It's lots of fun, there's lots of interactions and games that we need to do. Last class we did this game where we had 4 groups and each one had to make a noise each time the teacher pointed to our group. It was lots of fun, we sounded like a coordinated group of monkeys. Sometimes I feel lonely though since my friend sit on the other side of class...

I've been reading this book I got from the library

The Spell Book of Listen Taylor by Jaclyn Mariarty 

A Spell to make Somebody Eat a Piece of chocolate Cake
A Spell to make a Person get stung by a Bee
A Spell to Make Two People Fall in Love AGAIN

Since Listen Taylor's dad started dating a Zing, her life has gone from unusual to downright weird. The delightfully mad Zing family lives in its own strange world, protecting its huge family secret.

But Listen also has something to hide - a secret too heartbreaking to share - and an unconventional spell book that might that might be the answer to her problems. 

 I like this book. It's different. I can't describe it but it's just is. If this book was in a series, I can still understand it. What really draws me to this book is the Zing Family Secret and Cath Murphy. You can say that it's 1 story seen in the point of view of three different groups of people. I like it. I haven't finished it and I certainly haven't figured out the secret!  I'll find it soon enough!

So how was your 1st week of April? Also Happy Birthday to my friend today!

Ni sa

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